Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Letters From Death Row! o.o

I'm so excited cause of the news I received in Facebook, seems like the trailer for "Letters From Death Row" has came out! xD If you don't know what this film is, long story short, a guy got death penalty by something he did (he got tricked in doing it).

This excitement needs to start way back in to couple months back when I met the Director of this film, Kit Lim :)

I actually met him in my college at a Career Convention or something? @@ I can't recall but, me and two of my friends who are also in the broadcasting major went in a room to have an "interview" with him xD I was so nervous that I am the least talkative one in the room >< both of my friends were even wondering why I was so quiet during the interview xP (I can't help it that I'm an introvert guys! and I get shy very EASILY~><)

So when we were interviewing the director, I actually didn't know about the story of "Letters From Death Row", not until the Director told us that he's making a movie about this story. This Director doesn't have the big budget that Hollywood movies has as he is an Independent Director and this is actually kinda his first big movie. :D

As he doesn't have that much budget, he needs his audiences' help to make this movie come true, so he set up an Indigogo page and hope that people will contribute enough for this movie to become a reality! :D

Now, the problem now is that, I don't know how I can contribute cause I sure can't donate >< I think my parents wouldn't even let me o.o so...I'm writing this blog for a starter contribution xD to help spread this news to people around the world :p

If anyone wants to contribute by donating money for this film, Click here to donate! :D (The trailer is in there as well! :D) Furthermore, if you donate, they will even give out prizes~ different prizes for different amount of donations :) (It explains all in the page xP)

So I hope people do contribute, and I hope that I can somehow contribute as well? @@ Cause I really want this film to be real and I really hope to see it one day with my friends :)

Road to Success :)

Of course not forgetting the Quote of the Day! :p

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