Friday 22 February 2013

My group's TV Commercial & Music Video~^^

Well after waiting for so long to share it out, I'm finally sharing it~^^

My blog is the first place that I'm sharing it so you guys should feel special~ :P Haha kidding but seriously though...This is my first time sharing my MV and TV commercial >< 

I should be sharing it since the day that my group uploaded it on YouTube...but I have no idea why I didn't >< but after this, I'm definitely gonna share it through my social networks :)

So here is the TV Commercial first~~'s the Music Video~^^ before watching the Music Video, I must say something first, the song is an original song by one of my group's member, Darius Shu :) He has a YouTube account and you can subscribe to him if you want~ and the music was arranged by one of my group's member too~ Angelina Lee [Not Jolie ><] you can see her in our commercial [The first girl :)] 
Alright, without further ado, here's the Music Video~~ :)

Yes the mine xD

So...I hope you liked both of the videos~~ :) Hope that you guys will comment on it too~~^^ Well...I'll end the post here~ not forgetting a quote of course :P

Not really a happy quote but it's an awesome one :P

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