Friday 29 March 2013

New Series I'm Watching~ :)

Hey everyone~^^ It's been quite long since I last posted a post on my blog...I am so sorry~ I've been...busy? :P [And also...I've been having SO MUCH trouble on posting and adjusting pictures ><]

Hehe alright, maybe I'm not THAT busy...but I've been doing other stuff~ but I'm back to report about stuff~ :P

I've been watching two new TV Series~ :D Both, of course, recommended by my brother xD

First, It's "The Following"

This series is about a serial killer who created a cult while he was in prison. He created the cult online. There's not much to talk about this series...all I can say is... It's messed up~! @@ But it's also interesting :) This series just started not long ago so...It only had it's eighth episode this week. I hope you guys do check it out~ :D It's quite interesting but beware...sometimes there will be cliff hangers at the end of the episodes.... so, it might frustrate you guys too xD

Second, It's "Community" :)

This series is a comedy~ It's about a group of students/friends in community college~ They met each other during a study group meeting (?) Can't really explain it well... you must watch the first episode to see how they meet each other~ ><

Ermm...follow up, this series is fun to watch, trust me~ :) And...this series actually made me miss my college friends even more... >< [My holiday is so long~@@]

I actually started watching another series quite long ago but I didn't say it on my "TV Series" post, so I thought why not say it in this one :P

The series is called, "Modern Family" xD

Modern Family is a comedy too~ The way they shoot this series is kinda like a documentary type... you know, with interview and all that? @@ If you have seen the show "The Office", you'll know what I mean...

So...the Modern Family is formed with 3 family.
1. A married couple with two daughters and one son.
2. A Gay couple with an adopted daughter.
3. An old man who married a young woman with a child.

Complicated right?'s not really @@ They are all one big family~ :) The series is really entertaining, but also meaningful~~ it's really worth watching~^^

Well, any TV Series lover like me? You guys can go check out these series~ :D They are worth the watch~ :) ends here~^^ I promise I'll post up something soon~~

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