Thursday 19 July 2012

New in Blogging!

I was inspired by a friend of mine to take up blogging! Apparently, from what I've heard, blogging lets you release stress and makes you feel more ease. So I say to myself, why not take my friend's advice and take up blogging :D

I don't know what I'll be blogging about yet, but mainly it will be about my life and experiences. Hmm...I'll even consider sharing some drawings of mine (If I'll ever get the chance to properly draw again) or share the stories that I thought of when I was little (I was a little kid with a wild imagination, well...still am :D)

Anyways, I hope to get feedbacks, mainly because I've never done this...and hopefully I can maintain my blog :) Oh, and I hope I can make it as interesting as possible so readers...won't get bored of my blog XD

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