Wednesday 3 April 2013

Smile :) just have to you know? Hehe...smiling is a very good way to start out a day, don't you agree?

Maybe it's just me? But I always start my day with a smile~ not a creepy smile of course hehe...just a simple smile...

Smiling is just like a's contagious~^^ If you smile at someone, immediately that person will smile at you back :)

Hmm...I have no idea why I suddenly wanna talk about this but...I just want to you know? :) I want happiness and smiles to be spread...I want everyone not to feel stressed or depressed all the once in awhile~^^

I have a favorite song that always lighten my mood up whenever I hear it :)
and yes...the song's name is Smile~^^ It's quite an old song...rarely get played on the radio...but I still love this song~ :D

Hope that when you hear this song, you'll smile immediately like I did~^^
I mean yeah it's a love song...but it's just so sweet in my opinion~ :D

Well...I just wanted to share this song to you guys~ feel like the world needs a smile right now~~

so... SMILE~~~ :D

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