Thursday 13 September 2012

Oldie on radio :)

A few days ago, I heard a old song on the radio...and it's been stuck in my head XD The song was talking about Happiness~ :D I thought o.o

Throughout the song, I could only hear... "If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life..." So, I immediately thought it was a good and jolly happy song :D Even the rhythm is catchy and such @@ So...I thought to myself, why not find out the song's name and lyrics~

I went to YouTube and search for it...and I got it at the first try :p So..anyways~ The song is apparently called "If You Want To Be Happy" I was so excited to hear the whole song and see the lyrics XD But...though's a happy song...but apparently it's talking about...Marrying an ugly woman @@

Yep...The chorus lyrics actually goes like this..."If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, Never make a pretty woman your wife, So from my personal point of view, Get an ugly girl to marry you..." o.o

I was kinda shock on what the song is about XD The tune was so catchy and such...Never would've thought that it's about marrying an ugly woman @@ But I guess...that's what oldies are right? Some of them...if you listen to it really closely...there are some hidden message in it... o.o

If you guys wanna listen to the song...I'll put it here :) It's not bad actually~ I like it that the tune is jolly and catchy :) It's kinda why I love oldies too~ The melody, the tune and such :3 it is~ :D 

It's the end of my post...once again XD Hopefully you guys like my posts so far :) My second semester is coming REAL soon which means my holiday is almost over :/ kinda excited to go back to college though :) Anyways~ Here is the happy quote :D 

Spread Happiness = Action too~ :D So spread it~!! :)
EXTRA: I saw this on the internet...and I thought why not share it :D Mainly cause it's adorable X3

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