Friday 21 September 2012

TV Series :)

My holiday just ended a couple of days ago (17/9/2012) and it's the start of my new semester life @@ I was quite nervous but also excited :D Anyways...that wasn't the point of this post :P The point of this post, judging by my title, it's about TV Series :D Well, the ones that I watch(ed) (and planning to watch) anyways :D

You guys might not know this but I LOVE TV Series :) But the bad thing its that...after a Season end, you need to wait for the next Season...and what's worse, it's the last Episode of the Season is left with a cliffhanger o.o Those are the ones I hate the most~>< It makes you anxious of watching the next Season~ The reason I wanna post this is also because...well, all the Series that I watch that are still on-going, all of them ended their latest Season, so...the wait begins...o.o Well actually, most of them are coming back the end of this month (September)~ so I'm very excited about it :D I have alot of series to introduce so sit back and maybe grab a snack...and read :)

The Father is the one on the right :P
The First Series, that I want to introduce is..."How I Met Your Mother" In this Series, it starts off with a father, telling his kids how he met their mother, his wife :D This series is still on-going, and their newest Season is gonna start soon~ :D This is one of my favorite Series, maybe mainly it's about finding a one true love? :P You know how girls are with these series~ :D Anyways, this series was introduced to me by, none other than, my bro XD Actually, I think every series that I watched and watching are all introduced by my brother :P Mainly cause he really knows how to choose :)

The "Psychic" and his Best Friend and Partner~
Next Series that I'm also currently watching, is "Psych". Now, this is also one of my favs :D It's a detective series~ It's about a guy, who's pretending he's a Psychic but actually in reality he's just a guy who's really good in observing :) You got to see the series to know why he pretends to be a Psychic :P I LOVE Detective series, so that's why I like this one~ and on top of that, It's kinda a Sitcom too~ :D The latest Season is really making me anxious of watching the next Season~ which is also coming out at the end of September~ ><

The Glasses guy is the one who likes the girl XD
We move on to..."The Big Bang Theory". This is those kind of series, which are just for fun, in other words, it doesn't really have a story @@ But I'll tell you how the Series was started :) It started when a pretty beautiful girl moved into an apartment next to two physicist (aka, science nerds XD) and one of them fell in love with the girl :D So throughout the Series it's just about them and the science nerds other two friends...yeah that's about it but it's quite alright~ I mean...although, it's science-y @@ it's a Sitcom~XD me, sometimes, I don't quite get the joke :P But most of the time, even when they talk in a "geeky" way, you'll get their joke XD

Yes, that is a severed hand o.o
Next one~I'm also currently watching a series call "Dexter" Yeah...not Dexter's Laboratory alright? XD but Dexter... I don't really recommend anyone watching this...o.o especially if you're under age @@ There's a reason I put Dexter in dark red, has blood...lots of it ><'s rated R? so...there are Nudity too @@ Anyways~ This about a Murderer (yes... a Murderer...) that kills bad people, criminals and stuff...and what's more, he's working with the police, well, he's in forensics but still...>< So...yeah~ if you guys are interested go ahead and watch...but I don't really recommend if you're scared of seeing lots of blood, dead bodies and...nudity @@ I started watching this...if I'm not mistaken...when I was you know how "spoiled" I am ><

My fav character is the baby :3
Alright...moving on @@ I also watch a cartoon series call "Family Guy". Well, I think most people know what this is...right? XD Well..if you don't...go look it up yourself :P Cause...I have no idea how to explain it >< It's just like The Simpsons I guess? @@'s quite alright :D I watch it for the fun of it XD But...I think some people might find it offensive though o.o it if you only want to @@ but it's also kinda bad...'s not in my recommended list XD

We move on to series that I watched before :) Some finished, some were cancelled :/ some finished but I haven't watch finish yet :P

The guy with his Childhood Sweetheart~
First is "Pushing Daises" :) This was kinda my favs too~ It's about a guy who at a very young age, discovered that he has a gift, a gift of bringing dead things, back to life~ but when there's life, there's death right? turning something back to life, something must take it's place, well....after 1 minute has pass of course...If you touch the dead thing again (when it's alive again) it becomes dead, forever. So...someone discovered his gift, a private investigator saw him using his gift (on accident) and offered him a part time job. So...his job is to touch the dead corpses to discover who killed them, and touch them again to make them dead before the minute past...@@ think my explanation is complication...I recommend you watch this series XD's only two season...main reason was this show was cancelled, but they did ended it... So yeah~ this is in my recommendation list~ actually...I have another reason that this is one of my favs...the first time I watch...I thought the main actor (the one with the gift) is good looking~ >< Haha~ but I have other reasons too~(It's kinda a chick flick? :P) XD

Anyways~ next~ I also watched "Chuck" before...but I stopped watching after Season 3...cause in my was getting kinda boring XD It's basically about a nerd guy...he suddenly got a load of secret information, and he becomes a spy...sort of @@ I kinda forgot the plot XD It's been so long since I last saw this series :P I think it also ended already...not that sure... Oh well~ XD

Highly recommend you watch~!! ><
Next~ This my Number 1 Recommended Series :D It's call "Sherlock"~'s about Sherlock Holmes~ :D Detective Series, so you guys know why I love it :P Anyways...although it's about Sherlock Holmes, it's a modern type of Sherlock Holmes :D So it's very interesting~ it's British, obviously :D Oh...if you're planning to watch this series...I also recommending, downloading subtitles XD cause...well...Sherlock talks fast sometimes :D Oh~ but I love this series soo much~ eventhough it's only two Seasons...6 episodes @@ but it's alright though...cause 1 episode its about 1 and a 1/2 hour o.o I like the editing, the environment...the story...oh~ and the suits...o.o usually I don't notice these kinds of stuff...but the suits Sherlock wore throughout the Series...was pure Awesome o.o well, other peoples' ones as well, but Sherlock's suits are the ones that I notice the most @@ It fits him perfectly, making his shoulder really nice...and the colours~ >< alright...enough on suits...Overall...this is an awesome Series :D Wish it could be continued though...>< I really recommend this~

Yep, by looking at this, you know it's gonna be creepy XD
There's another Series that was directed and produced by the same person who did "Sherlock" which is "Jekyll" Yes~ it's about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. But since I love that story so much~ why not watch a series about it :P and it's awesome too~ I's directed by the director who did "Sherlock"~ how can it not be awesome~ :D I think it also only contain 6 episodes, if not then 7 XD Yep, it also ended with 2 seasons...both "Sherlock" and "Hyde" wasn't cancelled, oh no, they ended, there's a difference :P

The main character is the guy in the middle :)
Let's continue on with..."Scrubs"~ :D's obviously a doctor show~ which actually started not that long ago...and finished (I think it has 10 Seasons o.o) Well...yes, it's a doctor show, but it's a Sitcom too~ :) Now, although it has finished, but I have not finish watching yet @@ mainly because I just started watching not long ago (last month) @@ I'm already in Season 6 :P So...I think most of you know how I spent my three week holiday now right? XD I also recommend this series if you wanna have a laugh or two :) but...where there's laughter, there's also drama prepare for that too >< But mostly it's Sitcom :D

A must watch Sitcom :)
Next one is of course..."Everybody Loves Raymond"~~I mean come on~ who can say they never seen this series before~? Except for people who only watch Chinese or other languages dramas @@ This is a must see series~ :D Well, maybe not to the end if you don't want to, but at least a couple of episodes~ :) Although I've watched this series before, but never the whole series, I'm only until Season 4 >< But...whenever I have time, I'll definitely watch the rest of the series~ :D This series its like Scrubs, you know, just for the laughs :D so, if you haven't watch this series yet, I recommend you to try their first season~ :)

It's an Oldie but Goldie :D
The last (I think @@) but certainly not least~ it's an old series call "Twin Peaks" :D It's also a Detective series, but instead of several cases, it only focuses on one case, yep, only one case, throughout the whole season. It only has 2 seasons though's reasonable XD Oh..don't think 2 Seasons aren't's really enough o.o It was actually "Psych" that made me wanna watch Twin Peaks :) cause there's one episode that is similar to Twin Peaks so I wanna watch :P Eventhough I haven't finish the series yet...but I will~ Someday @@

Whew~ That's about it~ :D Oh~ there are some Series that I am planning to watch though :P Such as Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones :) My brother has been bugging me to watch these two series XD brother showed me a clip of the behind the scenes of the Game of Thrones...and my God o.o after watching that, I have much MUCH more respect to the editors and the directors @.@

Do you have any favourite TV Series? Or just any TV Series that you're watching now? :D I would like to watch more TV Series~ If...I have time for it that is XD Hmm...maybe next time I'll post about Movies that I watched? XD Nah~ that's too much...maybe just Movies that I think are worth watching :P Maybe? :)

We come to an end of a post, once again~ :) Hopefully you guys got to the end of this post :D My friend wrote a quote on Facebook which I truly loved~ so~~ I thought why not share it here~ :)

Love it so much~~ :3

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