Tuesday 11 September 2012

Blast From The Past~!!! :D

Well, it's been a long time since I post something here (Sorry~~><) I've been busy (In my own ways) and getting distracted alot :P So anyways~ I'm back and ready for another post :)

Well, awhile back I promised a long post that I've been working on right? Well, it's finally done~ :D Excited? Well, I'm excited to post it as well :) By reading the title, you guys might guessed, yep, it's from my past :)

Do you guys remember my birthday post? Where I bought myself a drawing book :D Well, it has relation to today's post too :) Before that, I'll tell you guys why am I doing this first...

I love drawing...like love it :) It's kinda something I do to relax myself~ And I am a girl who loves her own imagination :D When I was little, Being influenced by my brother (well, this is in a good way :P) He was why I started drawing the first place~ If I remember...I think I started drawing when I was 7~ Combine imagination with the love for drawing and what do you get? Comic story books~ XD

I stopped that when I reached the age of 17 :/ It's not that I don't love to draw anymore...it's because of the lack of time...I was quite sad that I stopped drawing the stories I made up, so on my birthday (this year), when I looked at the sketchbook, I immediately thought of the days where I would buy blank books to draw my comics on :) and thought to myself, why not draw again? Not draw my whole comic all over again...but the characters of my comics, aaannndd...share it here? :D

Well, here goes~ :D The first comic I ever drawn was "Angelsky" It was about this girl (her name is Kim) who got murdered by her own brother (James), this girl Kim, has a boyfriend called Max, he saw the whole scene of her murder and got depressed after her death, Years passed, Kim came back to earth, only...that she wasn't human anymore...she became an Angel (and yes, her name is Angelsky) Her comeback has a reason, she was sent back to fight evil that was going on in earth, of course, being back...means that she has to see Max again...when they saw each other, Max couldn't believe his eyes, he thought he was hallucinating...he couldn't believe it...Kim too, but the Angels above told her to not tell anyone about her being Kim, so she lied to Max, saying that she wasn't Kim...After staying in earth long enough, Kim found out that her brother was possessed by someone to kill her...and soon found out why...:) The pendant that Max and Kim (Angelsky) is wearing, are their couple pendants (the pendants has craving of both their names on) So, of course, Max will soon find out about Angelsky's (Kim) secret... [This is the longest comic I drew, it wasn't finished yet after I stopped though...but...all my comics was thrown away on "spring cleaning" so...I couldn't continue...:/)

The second one was "Devil's Tears" (I know what you guys are thinking already...why the obsess with Angels and Devils? Well, I have no idea too @@ I guess it was more of a obsess with super powers :p) Anyways~ "Devil's Tears" starts off with a girl who was born with special looking eyes, when she was in kindergarten, no one wanted to be her friend, mainly because of her eyes, but a group of friends came and befriend her :) The girl's name was "Samantha" but the group of friends called her "Sammy". Halloween came weeks later, the group promised to go to Samantha's house before trick or treating...the group's leader, well, main guy was name "Cloud" had a little crush on her (eventhough they were just kids) After gathering in Sammy's house, they set off for trick or treating...but tragedy stroke for both Sammy and Cloud... While they were crossing the road to go to the next house, one of the boys from the group (Shawn) dropped his candies and tries to pick up every one of them in the middle of the road, Sammy saw and tries to help him, what they didn't know was a car was coming up fast, Cloud saw and immediately called them to run away, when they didn't quite hear it, Cloud quickly dove it and tries to save them...Shawn ran away as quickly as possible, but Cloud and Samantha fell down and didn't make it...The other boys from the group asked Shawn why didn't he pull them away when he was running...he panicked when he saw them two on the road...all of them cried...after an amount of years later, all of them grew up, even Samantha and Cloud, Samantha came back not as a human, but as a Devil instead...Cloud came back too...as an Angel...Even though them two are suppose to be enemies...but they never thought of it like that, they even teamed up together to fight evil (yes, fight evil again :P) and they get to meet their old friends (the group) but one member is missing...Shawn...

Hehe...Hope you guys are still reading >< Third one was "Power of Spirits" and yes...the Spirits have powers >< To start the story, a girl was crossing the road...but didn't saw the lorry that was coming...but someone did, the guy (with the vest) saw and quickly helped the girl...this is where the guy (Adam) met the girl (Charlotte), he fell for her immediately after saving her...but Charlotte was special...she...was blind...(that's why she couldn't see the lorry) and also, she...was a spirit... At the other side of town, someone was looking for Charlotte, who other than her big sister, who is also a spirit, a "Hot-tempered" one to be exact. The big sister, named "Roxy" came out from the Spirit World after she found out that they let Charlotte out without telling her... While looking for Charlotte, she met her oldest and closest friend of all, Jordon, who's also a spirit... The symbol on their shirt is a symbol for the spirits, white ones are good, the black ones are bad...their powers are depend on how/ what killed them... Jordon's power is water, because he died in a flood. Roxy's power is fire, because she died when there's a fire in her house. As for Charlotte, she died in a car accident, therefore her power is metal (which she can detect, and use metal however she wants) What Roxy doesn't know about Jordan, her closest friend of all is that, he was in love with her...but he didn't get to confess when he was still human...being spirits don't work for him either because, since his power is water, and her power is fire, they can't touch...if not, he will evaporate and she will "disappear" (yes, even though they are spirits, they can die, again) :P

On to the next one~ This one is called "Hot Issue" The girl in the middle of the picture, named Ashley is in a band with two other people who are siblings, Blake (red haired) and Brenda (blue haired), Ashley was abandoned when she was really young, abandoned by her real parents and family...she got adopted by another family, a caring one too~ but Ashley found out the truth when she discovered something, she's different from other people, she has the ability to come out flames from her bare hands. Soon she will discover who her real families are...What she didn't know was...her family was looking for her too...in fact, they have been looking for her since she was abandoned...Her sister, Ramona found her in the middle of Ashley's band practice...She wanted to take Ashley away to meet her real family who has been worried sick, but there was something, or rather, someone blocking the way...

We moved on to "Rocky Road" :) The guy in the middle (Ryan), he works at a coffee shop which not only serves food, but entertainment too...He was one of the workers who plays the piano to entertain the costumers...The opposite of their coffee shop is a business building, where one "Nicole", Ryan's crush works in. After years of courting her, he finally got a date with her, to a band concert that both of them like. The concert wasn't in until next week...So after asking her out, one of her co-workers, who also has a crush on her, invited Ryan to a party at his house. Invited as a guest but treated as a worker to entertain the other guest, a piano was placed in the middle of the room for Ryan to play while the other enjoys. The co-worker then got Ryan really drunk til he passed out. The next day came, but he wasn't at the house anymore, he was in the middle of no where~! He tried to call someone but his phone died, he tried walking but that got him to no where...so he thought to himself..."am I going to die here?!" As he thought about that, he saw a miracle...a van was coming towards his way...he tries to stop it by going in the middle of the road, the van did stop, when the van door opened, he saw something until his jaw dropped...three person whom he never met before, yet he loves them very much. It's none other than his favorite band, Rocky Road, which consist of three members, Matthew (Leader), Alexandra (Girl Bassist) and Russel (Drummer). So, since no one is there to help Ryan except them, they couldn't just leave him behind, so they promise him that they'll get him home, Ryan couldn't be more thrilled to be riding with them. Throughout the journey, they will get to know each other and their secrets...and of course other stuff :)

Let's continue with~ "In-Sight". This is a detective story :P A girl was caught being in a scene of a crime, only thing is that she, was blind...but what they didn't know is that, she has been trained in her entire life, meaning her other senses are stronger than other people. She was trained like this to let people not see her as a blind person or a handicapped, but a normal person or a handicap-able. In fact, she was the one who called the police. But he detective (Larry) who's working on the case on the other hand, was not convinced that she's blind, because in his opinion, no one can act as a normal person other than normal people...after the Interrogation with the girl (Abigail), reporters came in the police station asking for answers, what Abigail didn't know that someone in the group of reporters was someone she knew since she was little. After the reporters left, One of the reporters stayed back and asked more questions, Abigail overheard his conversation with the detective and sensed that she heared that voice before...she then found out that the reporter was her best friend since little, Nicholas. She then approaches him and told him who she were, he wouldn't believe it, mainly since she was blind...why? Because throughout the years they've been friends, he had no idea that she was born blind. Abigail couldn't believe that even since little, she could already trick people, letting them think she's normal...Nicholas then told her about everything that happened after they lost contact, actually Nicholas wanted to become a detective but he didn't have the skills to do it... Abigail, who works as a "Blind Psychic" (she answers her costumers questions using her senses...or something like that @@), had never ever dream of becoming a detective, has considered helping Nicholas improve his skills and also solve crimes for the police.

Alright~ We're down to my last and latest one (even though I don't draw anymore ><) The last story I ever drew was "Madison". A guy (Jack) and Madison were couples. They met in High School and had been together ever since...not until...something happened to Madison...She passed away...Jack, who couldn't accept the reality, gone through his life with depression hanging on his back. He never dated ever since...He later found out that his best friend has a sister, a few years after Madison died. What he found out is that, the sister, looked and acts exactly like Madison...Only thing is that, she wasn't Madison, her name is Mandy. He thought to himself, Is this Madison's second life? Is this Madison but in kid form? Alot of thoughts ran through his head every time he sees Mandy... He knows that being with her...will be illegal...since, he's so much older than Mandy. So, throughout the story. he tries his best to protect Mandy. :)

Those are all of my stories that I thought of~ :D What do you guys think?? :) My favorite stories are "Angelsky", because it's my first ever story :p , "Power of Spirits" mainly because of the relationship between Roxy and Jordan, "Rocky Road" 1st because it was the first ever story I thought of that doesn't involve super powers :p and 2nd because it's what every fan with a favorite band or idol dream of XD, "In-Sight" Becuase well I like detective stories and I think it's interesting to see a blind person work on a detective case :) and "Madison" mainly because it's a love story and it's kinda sweet :D Of course I like the others too >< Even though I didn't finish ANY of them @@ I still keep them in my mind cause...they are the reason I took an interest in mass comm (the course I'm taking now) I mean, of course I have other reasons too...but they are one of them :)

So...I'm not going to say sorry for the long post, mainly because I love this post :p but also I'm not ashamed to share what I love doing and my made up storied :) But I hope you guys enjoyed it :D Hopefully you guys read through every one of them and got through the end (which is here :p) Of course I won't just leave like that~ I will leave with a happy quote as always :)

Oh and I wanna put an extra quote :) Mainly because I think this one is awesome, but also because I haven't update my blog for a long time now @@

Remember This Peoeple!!! :)

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