Saturday 27 April 2013

Lots of new TV Series these days o.o

Once again...I'm talking about TV Series ><

My brother has got to stop introducing me to awesome series~~ I'm afraid that I can't watch them all~~ or focus on my studies (That's worse of course o.o)

But brother has once again introduced me to another series...It just started not long ago, but it had already gotten high ratings o.o

What is it called?

Yes...Hannibal Lecter from the movie Silence of the Lambs...If you guys don't know who he is...well, to summon up, he's a psychiatrist......and a cannibal. Yes my readers, he eats humans...But don't worry, this series is not solely just on him, it's about another detective too. This detective, Will Graham uses his imagination to catch villians.'s really interesting :) If you watched Silence of the Lambs, you'll know that Hannibal is quite an interesting character, despite him eating humans of course >< I kinda recommend anyone who loves watching TV Series to watch this :) If you don't mind gore and well...cannibalism o.o

My brother did also introduced me to a series call Arrow, but I've only seen the first episode, didn't even finish the first episode really >< But I don't think I'll follow that TV Series xP But I can tell you's definitely a chick flick @@ Wanna know why? The main guy, shows off EVERYTHING when he exercises (body, strength...) And remember this, I've only watched the first episode and already he's exercising and showing off TO THE MAX O.O
Well, this was kinda a short blog, but just wanna update you guys on the series I'm currently watching :) Don't judge me if you think I'm watching too many ><

Anyway, here's a quote :3

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