Saturday 20 April 2013

Tragedy struck while having fun hanging out with friends :/

Hello fellow readers :)
Wonder what do me and my friends do when our class is reported cancelled? We go hang out and shopping~~ :P

Yes my readers, I had a one day shopping/hanging out day today with my fellow friends~ :3 It almost looks like a reunion party or something o.o

We didn't really shop that much, I bought a few clothes...only @@ We ate the most throughout this one day hang out xD

We first ate Korean BBQ for our brunch, then half an hour later, we had our dessert which is ice cream~~^^ (and I'm suppose to be sick o.o) then shopped at a few places, wonder around, chit chatting~ and we went and ate again~ but this time, it's cake xD

We kept on laughing and laughing for the silliest things, friends kept on taking pics (of themselves and with friends~^^) friends one by one went home...take more pics~ xD I guess it's kinda like a regular hang out day?

You're probably wondering....this is no tragedy...what's with the misleading blog title right? Well...All fun ended when it was time for ME to go home (back to my hometown) Wanna know why? Well...After stepping in to my Aunt's car, I was checking everything was with me...but after I checked...I realized, my dorm's keycard...was MISSING!!!

My dorm's keycard is a very precious thing to me, why? Because without it, I can't go to my dorm of course...not even the entrance! My University is very protective that way...

I panicked...and quickly asked my friends to help me find my keycard, while I kept on checking my bag and pockets...

In the end, you probably already know... No...I didn't find it and now, it's really lost. :/

I guess this is a life lesson given to me by...God? Telling me to NEVER EVER put my precious belongings such as my dorm keycard, in my pocket...

But...this also made me realize (how amazing they are~) and friends :) Because when I asked them to find it for me, they went to EVERY place we've been to and find it...and when they couldn't find it, they kept on asking me to check and check again...and when it was really lost, they felt sorry for me...(Overall, they were very concerned about me ><) It made me really glad to have friends like them :') It also made me appreciate them even more now~~

Well...that happened to me. This tragedy also made me realize something, but maybe I'll tell you in a next post (If I ever remember to write it ><) All I need to do now, is to move on, happily celebrate my mom's birthday with her~ and pay the fees for a new keycard for my dorm on Sunday...

PS: STILL sick...dunno why :/ but I think now I'm getting a cold~~><

Happy Quote to end this post :3

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