Hehe....If you guys know what movie the phrase I used is, you guys are awesome :D Anyways...I'm so sorry I've been lacking on blogging again >< I try to upload at least one post a week but I didn't...mainly it's because there wasn't anything to talk about :P Forgive me~
Since, I've still have nothing to talk about...I thought why not talk about the month of November~and some stuff that I've been thinking lately... This month has been quite alright I guess...:)
1: My brother....is a kid! xD
My older brother of 5 years....is a KID~ >< Wanna know why? Well...I had my one week holiday two weeks ago...I took a bus back to my hometown, when the bus stopped at a bus stop nearest to my home, I got down, and called my brother to come fetch me (I didn't wanna walk cause it was too sunny and I had heavy stuffs with me :P) As usual, I have to keep on begging my brother to come (playfully of course xD) and when he finally took his lazy butt out and come, you'll never guessed what he did after he "found" me...He pretended that he didn't see me and drove away xD but that wasn't the kiddy part...the kiddy part was...he drove to a empty place (quite near to where the bus stop was) and spun the car twice...while he kept on shouting "WHERE ARE YOU GRACE~WHERE ARE YOU~~" XD The funniest thing was...I was on the phone with him from my house til the bus stop, so I can hear everything he was saying xD Ohh~~If only you could see it, it was so cute and funny~ I couldn't stop laughing, even when I was in the car, me and my brother couldn't stop laughing xD That's one of the awesome thing of having a brother like my brother~ :3
2: My Mid Term Results o.o
I was so nervous during my mid term~>< I've even thought that on some subjects I would fail~ O.O But I didn't~^^ I'm quite happy about that~ but...also...I knew that I could've done a better job though :/ I have one paper left that I haven't got the results yet, hopefully the marks will be alright >< But I'm still quite happy that this mid term I got to get all pass :D cause my last semester's mid term, I didn't do a good job, I even got a few fails >< so...I'm satisfied :) Of course, I'm gonna work hard for my finals~! It's a MUST >:D
3: Been sleeping REALLY early these days...
I have no idea why...but these days...I've been sleeping EXTRA early o.o some days 8PM...some days 9PM and sometimes, I'll wake up at midnight around 2/3AM...I have no idea why I've been so tired these days...I kept sleeping so early @@ Maybe it's for the best? But sometimes when my friends are discussing about a group project on Facebook, I'll be sleeping and not discussing with them so that's bad >< I'm still wondering why though...*wonders off*
4: My Commercial Assignment~ :D
Last week I've shown my Lecturer the rough cut, but the first time we showed it to him, our Director said that he had another concept for our commercial and he wasn't satisfied with our current concept...My lecturer lighted up when he heard us saying we weren't satisfied xD Cause he wants us to do better and it's good that we realized that ourselves :D I'm glad that we changed our concept too~ Although that meant more shooting and stuff, but hey, if the final result is awesome, I wouldn't even mind re-shooting everything :P After shooting our new concept, we showed that to our lecturer once again and he agreed with us that this concept was better than our previous one :) He gave us suggestions and such to make it better but overall he liked it :D He also liked the angles and such (That made me happy cause I was the Director of Photography~xD) I hope that I can show you the final result real soon :D Hope you guys will tell me how did my group do~ :)
PS: After this Assignment, comes my favourite Assignment, Music Video~ :3
5: I've been wondering.... :/
What have I been wondering? Well...Degree... :/ I'm wondering if I wanna continue Degree in my current Uni or go overseas and continue it.... Last time I've already decided that I wanna go overseas but now...after knowing my lecturers (for the course I'm gonna take) which are also my current and past lecturers...It makes me wonder... Why? Well, It's because that I like my lecturers :) Their teaching method is good, they themselves are good, they have experiences, and they are professionals~ This lets me know what lecturers I'm going to get if I stay for Degree... What do you guys think? Should I stay...or should I go overseas? :/ Oh...and if I stay for Degree, I can even choose a minor course such as Advertising, and I'm not sure if overseas Uni has those or not @@ Argh~~
So....I guess that's all I wanna talk about :D I hope that I can get on track with my blogging again...I really do @@ When I don't blog, I feel like not accomplishing something...does that make sense? >< I don't know, it just doesn't feel right if I don't blog at least once a week :P
Oh wait, I almost forgot...I have another thing to think about o.o my friend invited me to go on a youth camp this Friday~ It's a 4 day camp and I really wanna join~ :D But...Weekends are the only days I get to go back to my hometown and be with my family...so I'm not sure If I can go or not... :/ I'll just have to figure it out myself ><
Anyways, I'll end this post then :P with this awesome quote~
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