Sunday 19 August 2012

Birthday Celebration :D

18/8/2012 I'm writing this post, it's already midnight...which means, My birthday has already passed~ :) least, I had quite a blast :D and did not end up celebrating alone (Thank God o.o)

On that also G-Day XD Only a couple of people know what that means :p
Anyways~I had a simple celebration...with a friend XD yep...only ONE friend Xp least I wasn't alone right? :) We went to Sunway Pyramid (obviously...since we could only go there :p) to celebrate~'s been a really REALLY long time since I had my last McD, we thought why not have it today~ :D birthday lunch is McD XD but I enjoyed it very much~ X3

Yep~I ordered Ayam Goreng McD SPICY Set~ :p
After being stuffed with McD, of course, we walked around to digest...since it was still quite early, we thought why not go watch a movie :D And...we did~ We went and watch Total Recall :) I actually watched this movie already but it was nice to watch it again :p Because there was one scene where I LOVE the camera angle of it (What has my course done to me? @@ Watching movie also looking at the angles already XD) The movie itself wasn't bad too :) Although I wouldn't mind watching The Dark Knight Rises again too +.+

After the movie, we thought oh~ I haven't even buy myself a cake XD yes...I buy myself my own birthday cake :p But I don't mind, my day = me buying it myself :D I actually wanted to try ice-cream cake o.o which I NEVER tried before >< but too bad...Baskin Robins doesn't sell slice cake :/ So we went to the next place that we can find cake...Secret Recipe XD And I bought myself a cake~ And enjoyed it very much :p

YumYum~ I love Chocolate~ :D
After being filled with sugary goodness XD we of course, walk around the shopping mall once again to digest :p But after awhile, it's already late and it's time to go back to campus~ so we went back :)
People might think...this is kinda a boring celebration...but I long as you're happy and satisfied, it's good enough for me~ :D Oh I even bought myself a little birthday gift :p

A sketchbook~ <3
Yeah I bought myself a sketchbook :3 What can I say? I just love love LOVE to draw :p and I already had an idea of what I'm going to draw~ and I will definitely post it here (I promise :D)

Oh, you know what's awesome too? Google wishing you Happy Birthday XD I was quite shock when I see the home page, but I love it of course :D

Thank you Google :D
 Hehe~ so I will end my post here :) Seems like this post has the most pictures so far XD I like it~ :3 Oh I wont forget, Happy Quote Time :p [Btw, one of my friend told me it's awesome that I'm spreading happiness and making people happy :D I promise him and to all of you that I will always stay like this~I won't give up in spreading happiness to everyone :) ]

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