Thursday 16 August 2012

Study Week Begins!! :3

Finals is coming!!! O.O Well, for me at least... This is my first ever finals in college so I'm really really nervous about it~ ><

Actually My Study Week was suppose to start 2 days ago...but I got sick :( [Thanks alot body...><] During those two days, I was lying down with no energy filled in me @@ I have no idea how I got a slight fever so suddenly...o.o But because I wanna start studying as soon as possible, I try to get better as fast as I could~ :p Thank God my body "behaved" itself and got better yesterday at night... And here I am now, in my campus' library....writing this blog instead of studying XD (Just Kidding~ Taking a break from the studying for awhile :p)

I never thought the library will be THIS quiet~ o.o Well....there isn't many people here to be honest Xp. But everytime I come to the library, it's filled with groups of people...Hmm...wonder why today it's so "deserted" XD [P/S: Should've brought my jacket here o.o it's so cold~~]

Well, because I missed two days of studying :/ I must study even harder now >< Just because it's the first ever finals, doesn't mean it's going to be relaxing right?! So...must use up all the time I study~ Of course...not like crazy o.o must have some time for my own too~ :p Must relax the mind for a moment, don't stress out too much :) Like what I'm doing right now, relaxing myself by blogging XD

 Alright...I think it's time for me to get back into studying >< [Note: I would show you pictures of my library and such but I didn't bring my cable to connect my phone to the laptop Xp] Hopefully all this hard work will pay off~ :D Wish me luck~ :) Oh yeah~ I mustn't forget~ A Happy quote :D

I think this quote is wonderful :)
Oh~ Wish everyone else who are having their finals or soon...All The Best :D

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