Wednesday 1 August 2012

Happiness Is Spreading :D

I'm so sorry, but this will be a short post xD because I just feel like sharing something here :)

Well, to be honest, actually I didn't felt like blogging today :p because I was (still am actually) busy with my individual presentation o.o Argh~ I'm so nervous about it >< (Getting off topic here) Anyways :D Back to the main topic that I wanna talk about... :)

I went to campus early today (around 9a.m. while my class starts at 10a.m.) you guys might not think it's early but it's quite early for me since I live in the campus dorm :p So...the reason I got up early and prepare everything to go to campus is because I need to print something for an assignment...After doing what I was supposed to do, I look at the time and it was only 9.30a.m. Well, because it's still early I thought why not buy something to drink and wait for the class to start...since our classroom is being used by the group 1 students, I didn't want to go in and be a nuisance so I waited outside and enjoyed the view and breeze (even though there wasn't any view except the parking lot and buildings xD) So, I was there, drinking my drink while looking at the "beautiful" view xD I turn to my left and I saw something written on the wall~

"Be Happy :) Smile!"

After I saw this, I immediately smiled (Thank God I was the only one there at the time xD) I was actually really tired because I slept late last night (Preparing the presentation slides) and after I saw this, I lighten up straight away :D  Although it's kinda sorta counted as vandalism, but it's the good kind xD The person who wrote this is spreading his/her happiness around~ This person (although I have no idea who he/she is) is AWESOME :)

Well, that was what I wanted to share to you guys xD so, if you want, spread out the happiness you have~ :D Share it with everyone :) But I'm not telling you guys to write on walls @@ Spread it in your way~ If you want, you can be creative too :D

Well, it's the end of my post again and of course once again, it's Happy Quote Time :) Haha but I think the quote I found it's not exactly a quote, but I'll use it anyways...mainly cause it's kinda cute xD

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