Monday, 31 December 2012

Prepare yourself... :P


Yesh everyone, it's time to close the chapter of 2012 because 2013 is coming~ :D
2013....2013...What do you guys think? Will this be a good year? :)
Well, for me, I'm definitely gonna change into a better me when 2013 kicks in :P I'm going to work harder on my studies and assignments, I'm going to be more active on my blog, and so much more~ :3

What is your New Years Resolution, if you have any? For me, All I hope for is for me to get all my stuff straighten up :P oh and of course, I too hope the best for my brother, who's going through a really hard time now ><

I really wonder what would the year 2013 be? :) New friends? [If I ever make a decision whether to stay in my same uni or go overseas @@] New hope? [For my brother :P] Or finally a relationship xD? [Hey, one can dream right? ><]

Anyways, I just hope that 2013 will be a good year to all of us :D I hope that you guys have a wonderful New Year~^^

Updates: Why didn't I post anything last week? Well, I was on VACATION~~ :D My family and I went on a trip to Taiwan~ :) Don't worry, I'll post my vacation "adventure" in my blog :D Just got to find a time for me to do that @@


This is a good quote :) The only thing you need to do to be happy, is to just let go of the sadness :)

Hehe, don't you think that looks like a "LOVE" shape? :p

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Love Was Lost....

Last week, something bad happened to my brother...Love was lost for him...Love was taken away by him...Love....betrayed him....

My brother was in love with someone...she meant everything to him...and trust me when I say this, my brother aren't one of those who simply loves someone...he really really love her...

But...she however...I'm guessing she doesn't feel the same way my brother does, cause if she really did, she will not do anything that will make my brother sad...She will not do anything that will ruin their relationship together...she will not break his heart...

My brother was ok when they didn't really want to be together, but still being together (ie: Not a couple, but being like a couple). That made him really sad but that was still ok for him...since there's still a window for them to officially be together... so he tries all he can to make their relationship good and better...But...apparently, that wasn't enough for the girl, that wasn't enough until, she needs to find someone else, and be with that guy, and break my brother's poor, fragile, heart....

My brother did everything that her new Boyfriend did, sometimes I even think that my brother did more than him, not because he's my's because it's true, he does alot for her, everything for her...wanna know why? It's only because he loves her... My brother told me that, they weren't together because he was younger, well guess what he told me too? That that new Boyfriend of hers is even younger...and what's worse is that my brother was wanting to ask her to officially be his Girlfriend on the 21st, but this happened.......The irony huh...the cold, cruel...irony...

If only she knew how much she hurt my brother...If only she knew how lonely he was when she wasn't by his side...If only she knew how much my brother misses her whenever he's alone...If only she much my brother loves her. He even said that the girl acts all tough and strong but she's really a kid inside...Well, HOW ABOUT YOU BROTHER??? You may think that you look and seem like a strong tough man, but you are fragile too...I'm your sister, I know...

There's still much more of this story....but I can't tell it all mainly because I don't think I can finish this blog without crying....You had no idea how broken he is...When he was telling me this story, that was the SECOND time I ever see my brother cry...My brother don't just cry for nothing...he doesn' had no idea how hard and painful it was to hear the sound of my brother's was painful...

I had no advice for my brother, mainly because I never been in a relationship before...but at least I can give him something, someone to listen...someone to be there for him...

The worst thing was that...he doesn't blame her...and he do not want me to blame or hate her too....It is really hard not to hate her and blame her seeing how she hurt my own only brother like that...but I'm going to try...for my brother...

Yep, I was right...I can't finish this post without crying...but yeah...that happened last week...Hopefully my brother will be better when I go back this week...oh brother...I really wanna be there for you...

So, this was the first post ever that I never have an emoticon's obviously because I can't... Let's be a little more cheerful at the end shall we? Let's end it with a happy quote.
Smiles everyone...

Remember this peeps!

Saturday, 8 December 2012


Imagination, that's a powerful thing in our minds. It lets you reminisce about your past, it occupies your present, and lets you think about your future...It has other uses too of course~ For me, Imagination is a part of my life.

Me, I have my own imagination world and I tend to go there whenever I can :) Even while writing this post right now, I'm in my imagination world wondering around and looking at the scenery xD Hehe of course, I trained myself to do that :P ...Moving on, Whenever I listen to music, I'll also be in my imagination world, imagining my own music video :P That's what I love about can have stories in your mind, narrated by you, written by you, or maybe even acted by you xD

Imagination is unlimited~ Imagination takes you everywhere, takes you to different countries, takes you to different planets, it even lets you time can also create a whole new world with imagination...Imagining is healthy too...It lets you relax, it lets you forget all your worries and doubts, it brings you to a place of peace~

But really powerful, ...sometimes, It needs to be controlled, cause if you think about the future, you will tend to imagine all the possibilities that will come to your way...No matter if it's about studies, families or even relationships... If you tend to do that, you might not even take the risk of doing something that you wanted to do for so long... :/  I did that once and well expected, I thought about it too much and didn't end well @@ so, never again o.o But...these won't matter if you imagine the right way, you know without all the pessimistic thoughts and'll definitely have the confidence and courage to do the thing that you want to do :)

Anyways, I hope I explained alot about imagination in this post :D Cause that's what I was going for :P And also, the reason I wanted to talk about this, is mainly because...well yeah...been imagining about stuff quite alot these days >< not just about music or my imagination world...but mostly about life and all xD yep...

So...updates~ :D yeah~ So...First, I've been told that my groups' commercial is awesome~ I wasn't able to watch the Final Cut of it though cause I had to come back to my hometown...but I'll be able to see it on Monday~ and maybe post it up here when I got the video :P 

Second update will be....My Radio ID Results~ it was 7.5/10 points, but I wasn't that satisfied about the marks :/ my tutor said that it's because of me and my partner's voice, they weren't energetic enough >< (This is also kinda a reason why I prefer being at the back of the production...I'm bad at being the actors and such :P) But what's done it's done...hopefully my commercial will get high marks~ :D

Alright~so that's my updates and post~ :) I'm ending this post with an awesome quote :D

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Remember, remember...the month of November :P

Hehe....If you guys know what movie the phrase I used is, you guys are awesome :D Anyways...I'm so sorry I've been lacking on blogging again >< I try to upload at least one post a week but I didn't...mainly it's because there wasn't anything to talk about :P Forgive me~

Since, I've still have nothing to talk about...I thought why not talk about the month of November~and some stuff that I've been thinking lately... This month has been quite alright I guess...:)

1: My a kid! xD
My older brother of 5 a KID~ >< Wanna know why? Well...I had my one week holiday two weeks ago...I took a bus back to my hometown, when the bus stopped at a bus stop nearest to my home, I got down, and called my brother to come fetch me (I didn't wanna walk cause it was too sunny and I had heavy stuffs with me :P) As usual, I have to keep on begging my brother to come (playfully of course xD) and when he finally took his lazy butt out and come, you'll never guessed what he did after he "found" me...He pretended that he didn't see me and drove away xD but that wasn't the kiddy part...the kiddy part was...he drove to a empty place (quite near to where the bus stop was) and spun the car twice...while he kept on shouting "WHERE ARE YOU GRACE~WHERE ARE YOU~~" XD The funniest thing was...I was on the phone with him from my house til the bus stop, so I can hear everything he was saying xD Ohh~~If only you could see it, it was so cute and funny~ I couldn't stop laughing, even when I was in the car, me and my brother couldn't stop laughing xD That's one of the awesome thing of having a brother like my brother~ :3

2: My Mid Term Results o.o
I was so nervous during my mid term~>< I've even thought that on some subjects I would fail~ O.O But I didn't~^^ I'm quite happy about that~ but...also...I knew that I could've done a better job though :/ I have one paper left that I haven't got the results yet, hopefully the marks will be alright >< But I'm still quite happy that this mid term I got to get all pass :D cause my last semester's mid term, I didn't do a good job, I even got a few fails >< so...I'm satisfied :) Of course, I'm gonna work hard for my finals~! It's a MUST >:D

3: Been sleeping REALLY early these days...
I have no idea why...but these days...I've been sleeping EXTRA early o.o some days 8PM...some days 9PM and sometimes, I'll wake up at midnight around 2/3AM...I have no idea why I've been so tired these days...I kept sleeping so early @@ Maybe it's for the best? But sometimes when my friends are discussing about a group project on Facebook, I'll be sleeping and not discussing with them so that's bad >< I'm still wondering why though...*wonders off*

4: My Commercial Assignment~ :D
Last week I've shown my Lecturer the rough cut, but the first time we showed it to him, our Director said that he had another concept for our commercial and he wasn't satisfied with our current concept...My lecturer lighted up when he heard us saying we weren't satisfied xD Cause he wants us to do better and it's good that we realized that ourselves :D I'm glad that we changed our concept too~ Although that meant more shooting and stuff, but hey, if the final result is awesome, I wouldn't even mind re-shooting everything :P After shooting our new concept, we showed that to our lecturer once again and he agreed with us that this concept was better than our previous one :) He gave us suggestions and such to make it better but overall he liked it :D He also liked the angles and such (That made me happy cause I was the Director of Photography~xD) I hope that I can show you the final result real soon :D Hope you guys will tell me how did my group do~ :)
PS: After this Assignment, comes my favourite Assignment, Music Video~ :3

5: I've been wondering.... :/
What have I been wondering? Well...Degree... :/ I'm wondering if I wanna continue Degree in my current Uni or go overseas and continue it.... Last time I've already decided that I wanna go overseas but now...after knowing my lecturers (for the course I'm gonna take) which are also my current and past lecturers...It makes me wonder... Why? Well, It's because that I like my lecturers :) Their teaching method is good, they themselves are good, they have experiences, and they are professionals~ This lets me know what lecturers I'm going to get if I stay for Degree... What do you guys think? Should I stay...or should I go overseas? :/ Oh...and if I stay for Degree, I can even choose a minor course such as Advertising, and I'm not sure if overseas Uni has those or not @@ Argh~~

So....I guess that's all I wanna talk about :D I hope that I can get on track with my blogging again...I really do @@ When I don't blog, I feel like not accomplishing something...does that make sense? >< I don't know, it just doesn't feel right if I don't blog at least once a week :P

Oh wait, I almost forgot...I have another thing to think about o.o my friend invited me to go on a youth camp this Friday~ It's a 4 day camp and I really wanna join~ :D But...Weekends are the only days I get to go back to my hometown and be with my I'm not sure If I can go or not... :/ I'll just have to figure it out myself ><

Anyways, I'll end this post then :P with this awesome quote~

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Such Bad Luck @@

Oh I wish I can enjoy you but I can't...First of it's because my Mid-Term is NEXT WEEK~ (Scary~><) and I got sick last Saturday T.T Oh such bad luck~

I was so happy that holiday has come~ but life has another thing install for me, and that is flu...yes, flu, how I've missed you since the last time I got you...remember? I've even lost my voice because of you, and now you're back...for more...been coughing, sneezing and clearing my throat forever and you're still here~! You missed me that much huh?

Of course I was being sarcastic my viewers :P But I really am sick :/ Well maybe it's for the best? I mean this way I get to stay home and study for my mid terms right? @@ But that also means I can't go out with my high school friends that I've never seen for so long >< (miss them SO MUCH~)

Being not fun :/ Not fun AT ALL~~ We need to eat medicines, there's always something annoying inside of your throat that you just want it out, we'll cough all the time...and worst of all...when we wanna drink water, water tastes BAD D: Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE drinking water, I'm not those who always drink soda or whatever favorite beverage, is water....that's why I hate it when I'm sick...and water tastes bad for me T.T

But at least I'm getting better, feeling more energetic, I don't look gloomy or sick, all I have left now it's just coughing, sore throat and sneezing (So...still everything XD) As always, I'll be drinking more water, eating my medicines and maybe work out, and by work out I mean walking :P and of course, rest :P

So...yeah...that's all for this post I's just be talking about being sick @@ Nothing else has to be said actually...Hope that I will be better tomorrow...I don't want to stay sick anymore~~><


Friday, 9 November 2012

Introducing Someone :D

I've said I was gonna post another post very soon right? Here it is~ :D I don't know if this post is going to be short or long, just stay with me, you'll not regret it :)

So, the reason why I want to post this is mainly because my friends posted something on Facebook (As I said in my previous post :P) and I can't resist myself, so I thought why not post it here~ :D

Maybe some of you might know who this is already, some of you wont, but I'm going to introduce him to you anyways :D So get ready~


To all of you......


Who is......

Wait for it......


You could just die of cuteness with this picture~ LOOK AT IT XD

Yes my fellow viewers, this little one of a kind dog is call BOO~~ isn't he just adorable? XD Believe it or not, Boo is a Pomeranian (Click here to see what a Pomeranian looks like) The owner of Boo, decided to shave his hair, and let him become like this~ XD to make him look like a dog teddy (filled with cuteness~)

Boo: Sleeeeeeepyyyy~~~
I first knew Boo from my brother (of course xD) I couldn't control myself because of the cuteness explosion~ >< He's just too cute to be true :D then one of my friends posted a picture of Boo on Facebook, and when I saw it, I immediately went "BOO~~", when my friend saw my comment, she thought I was boo-ing the dog o.o (Note: I'll never NEVER boo a dog EVER) but I told her that the dog's name is Boo, then she thought I named the dog @@ they didn't even believed me that he's the only dog that looks like this and that he's a Pomeranian >< I then slowly explain to them, how Boo looked like in the past etc. then they finally believe me :)

Before this I thought, everyone knows who Boo is, I mean he even has his own Facebook Page @@ He's the cutest and most popular dog~ but now I know that not everyone knows Boo...well, fellow viewers, if you didn't know Boo before, well now you know :D
Well, that's all for my post :P Even picking a picture of Boo is hard cause every picture is adorable o.o and I keep melting each time I see a picture >< If you want more of Boo, go to his Facebook page or just Google him cause he has tons of pictures there XD I'll leave this post with a picture of Boo and his buddy...,Buddy~ :D and of course, a quote :P
PS: I notice all the pictures of Boo I posted here are all sleepy ones~ so cute~~ XD

I made this quote picture myself :P With my own picture~ of my one and only Teddy~~ :)
PS: Teddy is a gift from my lovely Brother~~ :D

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Important Roles, Big Responsibilities :)

Well, since my last blog, I haven't had time to blog...but now I'm back~ :D The main reason why I've haven't been blogging lately it's because I was busy with assignments~ >< It keeps piling and piling~ @@

This post, it is also related to assignments, well, one of them :P It's for my favorite subject~ Basic Audio Visual Production.

 Now, you guys might have guessed that I am really interested in films and stuff because of my other posts... and it's true~ :D so, I'm really looking forward to film my this assignment (the one that I'm going to talk about) and the next one (which is a Music Video~ :D)
Even my friends know that I love making films and doing the shooting, so they gave me an important role, well, two actually... Art Director and Director of Photography :D I know it's not the most important like the Director or Producer, but it is also important~ :P

Being an Art Director means that I am in charge of writing and drawing the storyboard, drawing the storyboard = determining the camera angles too... well not only that, I also need to take care of the costume, hairstyles, props and lighting while shooting @@ oh, not forgetting the background deco :P But I was actually enjoying myself when I'm doing the storyboard (as you can see my almost finished work on the picture up there :P)

While being the Director of Photography (DOP), I'm in charge of choosing the best setting for shooting and the best placement for the camera, well mostly the things that I'm gonna be in charge of is the camera :) and I'm going to be working beside the Director...

Hmmm sounds easy right? :P Nope...this means that I'm working on all three production (pre-production, production and post-production) Pre-production, I work on the storyboard, production, camera, costumes, props etc., post-production, I need to be with the editor to make sure he/she chooses the clips that I want. Overall, I need to work with everyone in the crew @@, not forgetting this role, I'm a scriptwriter too >< but that doesn't matter cause it's only a commercial assignment :P

 So yeah~ those are my positions for this commercial assignment :P Fun right? Well, I hope to be :) I've already done my storyboard, which everyone loved XD (even the other group members~ :P) and now I'm anticipating the day when we actually do the shoot :D

Hopefully my group members didn't think I was being too...let's just say I was too into the project :P (eventhough we're only on the pre-production stage) I kept on asking them to confirm the information that they've given and such :P Hope my members understand that I have a strong passion in this project, that was why and will be acting like what I did ><

Hehe, so...yeah~ :D That's what I'm going through at the moment, of course there are some other things, but this project is my favorite, so I thought why not share it out :) I might share our complete work to this blog? :D oh and also the music video one~ :P

I might be posting another post soon, like real soon :P something that my friend posted on facebook made me wanna post something here~ :D so, I'm gonna end my post here, but not without a quote i'm not~~ :)

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Watches for Charity! :D

So my brother found a website that sells these watches may seem normal and such...but it's more than that~ The watches are for charity! :D

It looks awesome too~ :D and the face looks so cute~
 You guys may think this is just some scam or whatever but it really does work! :) They are call Face Watch XD They have 6 colours. All of them have their own purpose? @@ Well, different colours means different kind of charity :)

White - Food for hungry children
Yellow - Well to provide water for a village in Rwanda
Blue - Environmental charcoal efficient stove for Haitians
Pink - Mammogram for Breast Cancer
Red - AIDS treatment
Black - Support for cancer patients

I really want one of these watches~ especially the blue one~ :D The colours are pretty...and plus they are for CHARITY~ I know I said it alot of times but it's true :) That's actually the main reason why I'm posting this, I wanna promote it so that some of you will buy it :D

you can buy an individual colour, you can buy can even buy the whole set of colours~ :D Oh~ not to mention you can buy a set PLUS a 7th watch that they are voting for (the colour I mean) you can vote for green, a nicer yellow and purple :) (Purple is my favorite)

I really encourage you guys to buy the watches and support this charity :D Me and my brother are really eager to buy the whole set :P If we do buy it, I called dibs on the blue and red one :P

So...Click here, the website will give you details about their charity and how many people they helped...the individual company details and more! :D Go check it out~ I really encourage it :)

My blog is called Happiness in Life right? buying the watches, it will bring happiness to the people you helped so...yeah~ I hope I can do that by buying the watches (which I really wish I can *finger cross*) and I also hope that you guys will too :)

Here's a quote before I go :) as always~
Buy the watch for charity people~~~^^